If good history is dispassionate history, it must naturally wait until the passions of the period subside.
James BuchanThe use of refined petroleum as fuel, which began in the 1850s, freed hundreds of millions of people from the toil of centuries, gave hundreds of millions more a life of ease and plenty, and, by allowing great cities to feed themselves from every corner of the world, multiplied the population of the earth fivefold.
James BuchanAlmost all novels are improved by cutting from the top. On their first pages, authors parade those favourite effects which disgust the impartial reader.
James BuchanBulls don't read. Bears read financial history. As markets fall to bits, the bears dust off the Dutch tulip mania of 1637, the Banque Royale of 1719-20, the railway speculation of the 1840s, the great crash of 1929.
James Buchan