The Irishman in English literature may be said to have been born with an apology in his mouth.
James ConnollyIrish tory employers hid[e] their sweatshops behind orange flags, and Irish home rule landlords us[e] the green sunburst of Erin to cloak their rack-renting in the festering slums of our Irish towns.
James ConnollyWe believe in constitutional action in normal times; we believe in revolutionary action in exceptional times.
James ConnollyWithout the power of the Industrial Union behind it, Democracy can only enter the State as the victim enters the gullet of the Serpent.
James ConnollyAll these mountains of Irish dead, all these corpses mangled beyond recognition, all these arms, legs, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, hands, all these shivering putrefying bodies and portions of bodies once warm living and tender parts of Irish men and youths - all these horrors in Flanders or the Gallipoli Peninsula, are all items in the price Ireland pays for being part of the British Empire.
James Connolly