God has called us to be His representatives in our nation and in our world. Select candidates who represent your views and work for their election.
James DobsonCommunities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges?
James DobsonI don't blame homosexuals for being angry when people say they've made a choice to be gay because they don't.
James DobsonTo those who say Ted Bundy should burn forever in eternity I would only say, so should I, so should all of us.
James DobsonBehavior runs in deep channels that were cut during early childhood, and it is very difficult to alter them. In order to change a deeply ingrained pattern, you have to build a sturdy dam, dig another canal and reroute the river in the new direction. That effort is rarely successful over the long haul.
James Dobson