No real-world human being brings to the U.S. presidency the range of attributes necessary for full success in the job.
James FallowsContrary to what you might think, China's economy is relatively less efficient, and more polluting, than those of rich countries.
James FallowsOur military plans should be based on the assumption of unpredictability, rather than on carefully drawn, static models of the world.
James FallowsA rigid America is also weak and vulnerable, because it sacrifices its unique strength: the energy of people who think they can always make something new of their lives.
James FallowsThe President? Hmmm, I wonder who that might be? Could it be, perhaps, the sitting two-term incumbent of the same party holding its convention? The person whose economic and military policies shape the environment the next president will deal with? As best I can tell, in the tens of thousands of words making up the combined remarks of John McCain, Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, and Lindsay Graham, the Name That Must Not Be Uttered appeared exactly once.
James Fallows