A poem with grandly conceived and executed stanzas, such as one of Keats's odes, should be like an enfilade of rooms in a palace: one proceeds, with eager anticipation, from room to room.
James FentonIn rap, as in most popular lyrics, a very low standard is set for rhyme; but this was not always the case with popular music.
James FentonAt four lines, with the quatrain, we reach the basic stanza form familiar from a whole range of English poetic practice. This is the length of the ballad stanza, the verse of a hymn, and innumerable other kinds of verse.
James FentonEnglish poetry begins whenever we decide to say the modern English language begins, and it extends as far as we decide to say that the English language extends.
James FentonFor poets today or in any age, the choice is not between freedom on the one hand and abstruse French forms on the other. The choice is between the nullity and vanity of our first efforts, and the developing of a sense of idiom, form, structure, metre, rhythm, line - all the fundamental characteristics of this verbal art.
James Fenton