The microwave oven is one of the modern objects that convey the most elemental feeling of power over the passing seconds ... If you suffer from hurry sickness in its most advanced stages, you may find yourself punching 88 seconds instead of 90 because it is faster to tap the same digit twice.
James GleickIt is significant that one says book lover and music lover and art lover but not record lover or CD lover or, conversely, text lover.
James GleickTiny differences in input could quickly become overwhelming differences in output.... In weather, for example, this translates into what is only half-jokingly known as the Butter- fly Effectโthe notion that a butterfly stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York.
James GleickThe Internet is like a town that leaves its streets unmarked on the principle that people who don't already know don't belong
James Gleick