In real science a hypothesis can never be proved true...A science which confines itself to correlating phenomena can never learn anything about the reality underlying the phenomena, while a science which goes further than this and introduces hypotheses about reality, can never acquire certain knowledge of a positive kind about reality; in whatever way we proceed, this is forever denied us.
James JeansThe really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.[make the best of what is necessary...if you can't have what you love, love what you there are lovable or at least positive aspects in everything, because anything could be worse]
James many it is not knowledge but the quest for knowledge that gives greater interest to thought-to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.
James JeansThe motion of the stars over our heads is as much an illusion as that of the cows, trees and churches that flash past the windows of our train.
James JeansWe have already considered with disfavour the possibility of the universe having been planned by a biologist or an engineer; from the intrinsic evidence of his creation, the Great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.
James JeansThe stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter...we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.
James Jeans