Write for the love of your art. Someplace down the road, the money, the fame, they'll come, but by that time you won't be thinking in terms of money or fame.
James Lee BurkeI could only wonder again at the white race's naïveté in always sending forth our worst members as our emissaries.
James Lee BurkeTo misuse one's talent, to be cavalier about it, to set it aside because of fear or sloth is unpardonable.
James Lee BurkeI also believe my home state is cursed by ignorance and poverty and racism, much of it deliberately inculcated to control a vulnerable electorate. And I believe many of the politicians in Louisiana are among the most stomach-churning examples of white trash and venality I have ever known. To me, the fact that large numbers of people find them humorously picaresque is mind numbing, on a level with telling fond tales of one's rapist.
James Lee Burke