An industry devoted to serving the public's right to know gives twisted and evil men the means of becoming known. This problem is not obviously amenable to a solution, and it certainly is not amenable to a legal one. A regime of media regulation that would be both effective at preventing mass shootings and consistent with the American Constitution is no easier to imagine than a regime of gun regulation that would meet the same criteria.
James Taranto'Fact checking' is opinion journalism pretending to be some sort of heightened objectivity.
James TarantoIf the rest of the world likes Americans only when we're dying, the rest of the world can go to hell.
James TarantoSome libs took offense at my David Broder quip earlier. In my own defense, I was taught in college it's OK to disrespect dead white males.
James TarantoWhy has America's fringe left been making common cause with the Taliban, whose views on such matters as women's rights and separation of church and state are appallingly retrograde by anyone's standards? One reason may be that the Taliban seem to have mastered the language of victimhood, sounding like denizens of some college ethnic-studies department.
James Taranto