I am one of those that always get accidentally guillotined when the Great Day of Liberation comes, because ... I guess ... I am full of parentheses. Revolutions can't abide parentheses.
James Tiptree Jr.Anyone who shoots a real gun at you when drunk and angry is simply not husband material, regardless of his taste in literature.
James Tiptree Jr.Certainly my inner world will never be a peaceful place of bloom; it will have some peace, and occasional riots of bloom, but always a little fight going on too. There is no way I can be peacefully happy in this society and in this skin. I am committed to Uneasy Street. I like it; it is my idea that this street leads to the future, and that I am being true to a way of life which is not here yet, but is more real than what is here.
James Tiptree Jr.All I can say is that laughter is my music; I would deeply suspect an argument which hadn't laughter.
James Tiptree Jr.