I'm not gonna box Ruiz...I don't box, I knock holes through people. I'm gonna cut Ruiz up. I'm gonna butcher him. He ain't gonna last five rounds. Either he winds up on the canvas or in the hospital. It's his choice.
James ToneyGet Julian Jackson in here baby!...Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that's all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!
James ToneyI have always been ready to fight anybody out there, anytime, anywhere. I will knock them all over. My talent speaks for itself.
James ToneyI have great skills. I can fight anybody, anywhere, anytime. I have done it in the past. I am on a different level than everyone else in the game of boxing. Nobody taught me how to fight. I was born a fighter. Everybody else was taught. That is the difference. I would rather show them than talk about it.
James Toney