I always ask at once, 'Do you drink?' and if she says 'No,' I bow politely and say I am sorry but I fear she will not suit. All good cooks drink.
James WhistlerI remember that at one time I always made a drawing before going to bed!! - Of myself I mean - though I finally destroyed most of them.
James WhistlerPaint should not be applied thick. It should be like a breath on the surface of a pane of glass.
James WhistlerYou shouldn't say it is not good. You should say, you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe.
James WhistlerHang on the walls of your mind the memory of your successes. Take counsel of your strength, not your weakness. Think of the good jobs you have done. Think of the times when you rose above your average level of performance and carried out an idea or a dream or a desire for which you had deeply longed. Hang these pictures on the walls of your mind and look at them as you travel the roadway of life.
James Whistler