Wall Street gives money to both [Democrats and Republicans] because they want to be on the good side of whoever becomes president .
Jamie DimonThe economic union - creating a big common market, like the United States, so that you can compete across borders. There are common rules, regulations, and simplification, and that is still a good reason, too. When they put their monetary union together, that created a rigidity that made it hard for currency fluctuations. They don't really have a solution to that.
Jamie DimonNo one has the right to not assume that the business cycle will turn! Every five years or so, you have got to assume that something bad will happen.
Jamie DimonI've asked our people, "Why don't we just put a revolver on top of our basic loan?" Make it easier for the client.
Jamie DimonWe've made a huge effort globally and in the US, in getting kids jobs. This is one piece. The South Bronx and inner-city schools need it more than most. It's our hometown; JPMorgan Chase banks a lot of people here. If you see the school, it works. Kids all getting jobs, they're smiling, they're proud of themselves. That's what we need to do in inner-city schools.
Jamie Dimon