[Gardening] is a means by which you can attain many valuable hours of solitude without being thought unsociable.
Jan StrutherIt took me forty years on earth To reach this sure conclusion: There is no Heaven but clarity, No Hell except confusion.
Jan Strutherlibrarianship is one of the few callings in the world for which is it still possible to feel unqualified admiration and respect.
Jan StrutherGiving a party is like having a baby: its conception is more fun than its completion; and once you have begun it, it is almost impossible to stop.
Jan Strutherhow much of the fun of parenthood lay in watching the children remake, with delighted wonder, one's own discoveries.
Jan StrutherNot that she didn't enjoy the holidays: but she always felt-and it was, perhaps, the measure of her peculiar happiness-a little relieved when they were over. Her normal life pleased her so well that she was half afraid to step out of its frame in case one day she should find herself unable to get back.
Jan Struther