Iโm home. Ya happy now?โ Beckโs gravelly voice demanded. โYes, I am.โ โYerโ treatinโ me like iโm some idiot kid,โ he complained. โGee, I wonder where I learned that?โ He hung up on her.
Jana OliverItโs up to you to fill it. Find things that mean something to you, that represent times where youโve overcome an obstacle, learned something important. Put those items in the bag and theyโll help you find your strength.โ โIโm not sure if thatโs going to help much.โ Unless I put a brick in it and nail Brandy between the eyes.
Jana OliverWhat would you pack for Armageddon? Sunscreen and shades? Flame-proof underwear? Maybe a travel guide to the Underworld?
Jana OliverYes!โ Beck crowed, pumping his fist into the air. โThat rocks!โ Then he charged off in search of another Three to decapitate. Riley sighed to herself. โIโve created a monster.
Jana OliverBeck behaved himself, though it was really difficult, especially during the slow dances when they were so tantalizingly close. He savoured the feel of her against his body, the light scent of her perfume, the in her eyes that told him he was the center of her universe. It was a new and totally overwhelming experience.
Jana Oliver