Lachrymal counsellors, with one foot in the cave of despair, and the other invading the peace of their friends, are the paralyzers of action, the pests of society, and the subtlest homicides in the world; they poison with a tear; and convey a dagger to the heart while they press you to their bosoms.
Jane PorterThat grief is the most durable which flows inward, and buries its streams with its fountain, in the depths of the heart.
Jane PorterWhen the cup of any sensual pleasure is drained to the bottom, there is always poison in the dregs.
Jane PorterIt has been wisely said, "that well may thy guardian angel suffer thee to lose thy locks, when thou darest wilfully to lay thy head in the lap of temptation!" Was it not easier for the hero of Judaea to avoid the touch of the fair Philistine, than to elude her power when held in her arms?
Jane Porter