National antipathy is the basest, because the most illiberal and illiterate of all prejudices.
Jane PorterHappiness is a sunbeam which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray; nay, when it strikes on a kindred heart, like the converged light on a mirror, it reflects itself with redoubled brightness. It is not perfected till it is shared.
Jane Porterwe never know the blessings bestowed on us until we are separated from the possession of them.
Jane PorterThe flatterer easily insinuates himself into the closet, while honest merit stands shivering in the hall or antechamber.
Jane PorterLachrymal counsellors, with one foot in the cave of despair, and the other invading the peace of their friends, are the paralyzers of action, the pests of society, and the subtlest homicides in the world; they poison with a tear; and convey a dagger to the heart while they press you to their bosoms.
Jane PorterBeauty of form affects the mind, but then it must be understood that it is not the mere shell that we admire; we are attracted by the idea that this shell is only a beautiful case adjusted to the shape and value of a still more beautiful pearl within. The perfection of outward loveliness is the soul shining through its crystalline covering.
Jane Porter