Love is the terrible secret people are suspected of unless they're married, then one always suspects they don't.
Jane RulePeople genuinely happy in their choices seem less often tempted to force them on other people than those who feel martyred and broken by their lives.
Jane RuleMorality for the novelist is expressed not so much in the choice of subject matter as in the plot of the narrative, which is perhaps why in our morally bewildered time novelists have often been timid about plot.
Jane RuleIf the tenth of the population that is gay became visible tomorrow, the panic of the majority of people would inspire repressive legislation of a sort that would shock even the pessimists among us.
Jane RuleThe kinds of good friends I have are people who are perfectly willing to have me say I'll see them in six months, and live right next door.
Jane RuleCharity is a cop-out so traditionally female in its apparent self-effacement that there seems resonant comfort in it. We're no longer supposed to serve the imaginations of men who have dominated us. We are to give up ourselves instead to those whose suffering is greater than our own. Looking down is just as distorting as looking up and as dangerous in perpetuating hierarchies.
Jane Rule