A horse herd was, in its very essence, the manifestation of the expression 'It's always something.
Jane SmileyWhatever you love is beautiful; love comes first, beauty follows. The greater your capacity for love, the more beauty you find in the world.
Jane SmileyVets do what doctors used to - diagnose the injury or the condition, patch it up as best they can and remind you that these things happen and that in life we are also in the midst of death.
Jane Smileyeverything is toxic. That's the point. You can't avoid toxins. Thinking you can is just another symptom of the toxic overload stage.
Jane SmileyYou know what getting married is? It's agreeing to taking this person who right now is at the top of his form, full of hopes and ideas, feeling good, looking good, wildly interested in you because you're the same way, and sticking by him while he slowly disintegrates. And he does the same for you. You're his responsibility now and he's yours. If no one else will take care of him, you will. If everyone else rejects you, he won't. What do you think love is? Going to bed all the time?
Jane Smiley