Oh God, modern life with all its feelings. ... We live in the most callous society ever, and all anybody talks about nowadays is getting in touch with their feelings. ... The world has become one enormous group therapy session. It's a terrible bore. My motto is, 'Thank you for not sharing!
Jane Stanton HitchcockThe key to life is imagination. If you don't have that, no mater what you have, it's meaningless. If you do have imagination...you can make feast of straw.
Jane Stanton HitchcockOh God, modern life with all its feelings. ... We live in the most callous society ever, and all anybody talks about nowadays is getting in touch with their feelings. ... The world has become one enormous group therapy session. It's a terrible bore. My motto is, 'Thank you for not sharing!
Jane Stanton HitchcockA violent act pierces the atmosphere, leaving a hole through which the cold, damp draft of its memory blows forever.
Jane Stanton Hitchcock