When a woman starts out in the world on a mission, secular or religious, she should leave her feminine charms at home.
Jane SwisshelmWe have not the slightest idea that women are made of such light material that the breath of any fool or knave may blow them on the rocks of ruin.
Jane SwisshelmSo, instead of spending my strength quarreling with the hand, I would strike for the heart of that great tyranny.
Jane SwisshelmGirls, do not scrub and cook and scour until you have no time left to plant a tree, or vine or flower.
Jane SwisshelmI had gone into the hospital with the stupid notion that its primary object was the care and comfort of the sick and wounded. It was long after that I learned that a vast majority of all benevolent institutions are gotten up to gratify the aesthetic tastes of the public; exhibit the wealth and generosity of the founders, and furnish places for officers. The beneficiaries of the institutions are simply an apology for their existence, and having furnished that apology, the less said about them the better.
Jane Swisshelm