I must be the mate of the man I had chosen; and if he would not come to my level, I must go to his.
Jane SwisshelmA woman with her two children was captured on the steps of the capitol building, whither she had fled for protection, and this, too, while the stars and stripes floated over it.
Jane SwisshelmWomen should not weaken their cause by impracticable demands. Make no claim which could not be won in a reasonable time. Take onestep at a time, get a good foothold in it and advance carefully.
Jane SwisshelmIf I wrote at all, I must throw myself headlong into the great political maelstrom, and would of course be swallowed up like a fishing-boat in the great Norway horror which decorated our school geographies; for no woman had ever done such a thing, and I could never again hold up my head under the burden of shame and disgrace which would be heaped upon me. But what matter? I had no children to dishonor; all save one who had ever loved me were dead, and she no longer needed me, and if the Lord wanted some one to throw into that gulf, no one could be better spared than I.
Jane Swisshelm