Poland does not want to remain a net recipient of EU subsidies forever. On the contrary: we want the right to develop in a fair market, and by this right, we want to one day catch up with Germany in terms of welfare and economic power. This will not take 100 years! And then many Poles who emigrated will be able to return home.
Jaroslaw KaczynskiPoland is a sovereign state. We want the same rights as all other EU countries. Nothing more, but nothing less, either.
Jaroslaw KaczynskiWith respect to Great Britain, I have a dream, by the way: that the Brits will see that the EU is changing, and change their minds. And then remain in the EU or return to the EU. I am not giving up hope.
Jaroslaw KaczynskiA single party is ruling in Hungary, but democracy and the freedom of speech are still in place.
Jaroslaw KaczynskiGermany's potential makes up about 20% of the EU's overall economic power, including Great Britain. The German army is by no means strong enough to guarantee the security of the EU's two endangered flanks - in the east and in the south. So all that remains for Germany is partnerships with its neighbours and other EU member states. Germany should stick to that role.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski