Rural Alberta is a lot less homogeneous than it used to be, partly because of my immigration policies.
Jason KenneyFor members who have only ever been in government, the negativity and aggressiveness of the opposition is easy to caricature.
Jason KenneyI find the niqab symbol profoundly offensive. I believe it reflects a misogynistic culture that - a treatment of women as property rather than people, which is anchored in Medieval tribal customs as opposed to any religious obligation, but I do not seek to regulate people wearing this objectionable symbol if they choose to do so.
Jason KenneyThe public citizenship oath done in a court in front of a judge and one's fellow citizens should be done publicly.
Jason KenneyYou ought not to accept the claim that this is a religious practice. I think that's, frankly, problematic for Islam, for well-intentioned Liberals like you to say that this is a religious practice when the overwhelming consensus of Islamic scholars around the world, and the overwhelming majority of Canadian Muslims, believe this has absolutely - that the niqab as face covering, that this symbol of misogyny has nothing to do with Islam.
Jason Kenney