I know it's going to sound like a cliché, but the key of successful playing a role is to sort of keep it real and earnest and react the way that one would react in those situations. Where the disconnect between the movie and the audience would happen is if you go too big or too crazy with that stuff.
Jay BaruchelMovies are the greatest art form the world has come up with yet. If you don't use them to the full extent and you don't give people as much as you possibly can, you're doing a disservice to it.
Jay BaruchelThe hockey I was raised on, the hockey I understand, the hockey that my dad taught me about when I was a boy was intrinsically connected with fighting. I grew up in a house where we revered tough guys.
Jay BaruchelWhat I do for a living and how I unwind are one and the same; it's a rare special thing.
Jay BaruchelI guess I always have sort of general ideas, but the best stuff would be the stuff that comes to you in the moment, always.
Jay Baruchel