We can constitutionally extirpate slavery at this time. But if we fail to do this, then unless we intend hereafter to violate the Constitution, we shall have a fugitive slave law in operation whenever the war is over.
Jay SekulowThe way I understand it is the communists are in, the atheists are in, the agnostics are in, but religion is out.
Jay SekulowWe've got another nominee coming up, well qualified, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owens has a tremendous reputation, tremendous record, but they are already marshalling their forces to try to stop that nomination.
Jay SekulowSo we need the same strategy, we need young, aggressive judges to be appointed, and that's what the President has done, but getting them through is the challenge.
Jay SekulowI'm opposed to the death penalty not because I think it's unconstitutional per se-although I think it's been applied in ways that are unconstitutional-but it really is a moral view, and that is that the taking of life is not the way to handle even the most significant of crimes...Who amongst anyone is not above redemption? I think we have to be careful in executing final judgment. The one thing my faith teaches me-I don't get to play God. I think you are short-cutting the whole process of redemption...I don't want to be the person that stops that process from taking place.
Jay SekulowI have learned so much from my dad. Perhaps the biggest thing I've learned from my dad is how to be prepared at all times... whether it's for a big court case or a hostile media interview. My dad always says "Stick to your points, focus on what you are there to get across, and try not to get sidetracked."We are often trying to communicate complicated legal cases or explain laws, and it's important to keep going back to the 3 core points you want people to take away - from interviews, from our radio shows, from meetings, and from court.
Jay Sekulow