If my time has come I shall have nothing to complain of. For fifty-tree years I have been painting; so I have been able to devote myself entirely to what I loved best in the world. I had never suffered poverty; I had good parents and excellent friends; I can only thank God.
Jean-Baptiste Camille CorotDon't imitate, don't follow the others, or else you will lag behind them.
Jean-Baptiste Camille CorotThe first things to study are form and values. For me, these are the things that are the basics of what is serious in art.
Jean-Baptiste Camille CorotIf my time has come I shall have nothing to complain of. For fifty-tree years I have been painting; so I have been able to devote myself entirely to what I loved best in the world. I had never suffered poverty; I had good parents and excellent friends; I can only thank God.
Jean-Baptiste Camille CorotListen to the advice of others, but follow only what you understand and can unite in your own feeling. Be firm, be meek, but follow your own convictions. It is better to be nothing than an echo of other painters.
Jean-Baptiste Camille CorotI am never in a hurry to reach details. First and above all I am interested in the large masses and the general character of a picture; when these are well established, then I try for subtleties of form and color. I rework the painting constantly and freely, and without any systematic method.
Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot