There are some souls so base and filthy that they love gain and interest as noble souls love fame and virtue, knowing one pleasure only, that of making money or of not losing it; anxious and avid for their ten per cent; entirely preoccupied with what is owed them; forever concerned about the depreciation or discredit of money; buried, and as it were engulfed, amid contracts, title-deeds and parchments. Such people are neither parents, friends, citizens or Christians, nor, perhaps, even men; they merely have money.
Jean de la BruyereEvery hour in itself, as it respects us in particular, is the only one we can call our own.
Jean de la BruyereIf our life is unhappy it is painful to bear; if it is happy it is horrible to lose, So the one is pretty equal to the other.
Jean de la BruyereFavor exalts a man above his equals, but his dismissal from that favor places him below them.
Jean de la BruyereWe meet With few utterly dull and stupid souls: the sublime and transcendent are still fewer; the generality of mankind stand between these two extremes: the interval is filled with multitudes of ordinary geniuses, but all very useful, and the ornaments and supports of the commonwealth.
Jean de la Bruyere