One should never risk a joke, even of the mildest and most unexceptional charters, except among people of culture and wit.
Jean de la BruyereA man is thirty years old before he has any settled thoughts of his fortune; it is not completed before fifty. He falls to building in his old age, and dies by the time his house is in a condition to be painted and glazed.
Jean de la BruyereIf you wish to be held in esteem, you must ssociate only with those who estimable.
Jean de la BruyereSome young people do not sufficiently understand the advantages of natural charms, and how much they would gain by trusting to them entirely. They weaken these gifts of heaven, so rare and fragile, by affected manners and an awkward imitation. Their tones and their gait are borrowed; they study their attitudes before the glass until they have lost all trace of natural manner, and, with all their pains, they please but little.
Jean de la Bruyere