The things we truly love, the things forming the basis and roots of our being, are generally things we never look at. A huge piece of carpeting, empty and naked plains, silent and uninterrupted stretches with nothing to alter the homogeneity of their continuity. I love wide, homogenous worlds, unstaked, unlimited like the sea, like high snows, deserts, and steppes.
Jean DubuffetWhat I expect from any work of art is that it surprises me, that it violates my customary valuations of things and offers me other, unexpected ones.
Jean DubuffetArt doesn't go to sleep in the bed made for it. It would sooner run away than say its own name: what it likes is to be incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what its own name is.
Jean DubuffetArt must make you laugh a little and make you a little afraid. Anything as long as it doesn't bore.
Jean DubuffetWhat culture lacks is the taste for anonymous, innumerable germination. Culture is smitten with counting and measuring; it feels out of place and uncomfortable with the innumerable; its efforts tend, on the contrary, to limit the numbers in all domains; it tries to count on its fingers.
Jean Dubuffet