In order to weep, I had descended to the realm of the dead themselves, to their secret chambers, led by the invisible but soft hands of birds down stairways which were folded up again as I advanced. I displayed my grief in the friendly fields of death, far from men: within myself.
Jean GenetI wanted to swallow myself by opening my mouth very wide and turning it over my head so that it would take in my whole body, and then the Universe, until all that would remain of me would be a ball of eaten thing which little by little would be annihilated: that is how I see the end of the world.
Jean GenetThe fame of heroes owes little to the extent of their conquests and all to the success of the tributes paid to them.
Jean Geneton him, under him, with his mouth pressed to hers, he sang to her uncouth songs that moved through her body.
Jean Genet