Nothing will make me change my principles. Even with the knife at my neck I shall still declare, up to this day, the poor have done everything; it is time for the rich to take their turn... The selfish people, the young idlers, must be made useful, whether they like it or not, and some respite be procured for the useful and respectable worker.
Jean-Paul MaratJacobins, I have a truth to tell you. You do not know your most deadly enemies; they are the constitutional priests. It is they who protest most in the provinces against anarchists, disorganisers, Dantonism, Robespierrism, Jacobinism... Do not cherish any longer the popular errors; cut at the roots of superstition! Declare openly that the priests are your enemies.
Jean-Paul MaratFive or six hundred heads cut off would have assured your repose, freedom and happiness.
Jean-Paul Marat[We need] someone bold, to put himself at the head of the disaffected and rally them against the oppressor. Some great character who could captivate the people... someone wise who could direct the actions of an unbridled and floating multitude.
Jean-Paul MaratIt seems that the inevitable fate of man is never attain complete freedom: princes everywhere tend to despotism and the people to servitude.
Jean-Paul Marat