In the shadow of death he produces life, and though the senses are terrified, faith taking all for the best, is full of courage and assurance.
Jean-Pierre de CaussadeYou would be very ashamed if you knew what the experiences you call setbacks, upheavals, pointless disturbances, and tedious annoyances really are. You would realize that your complaints about them are nothing more nor less than blasphemies - though that never occurs to you. Nothing happens to you except by the will of God, and yet [God's] beloved children curse it because they do not know it for what it is.
Jean-Pierre de CaussadeWhat God arranges for us to experience at each moment is the best and holiest thing that could happen to us.
Jean-Pierre de CaussadeWe must offer ourselves to God like a clean, smooth canvas and not worry ourselves about what God may choose to paint on it, but at each moment, feel only the stroke of His brush.
Jean-Pierre de CaussadeIf the work of our sanctification presents us with difficulties that appear insurmountable, it is because we do not look at it in the right way. In reality, holiness consists in one thing alone, namely, fidelity to God's plan. And this fidelity is equally within everyone's capacity in both its active and passive exercise.
Jean-Pierre de Caussade