Quoting her mother: The trouble with a book is you never know what's in it until it's too late!
Jeanette WintersonI think of love as a force of nature-as strog as the sun, as necessary, as impersonal, as gigantic, as impossible, as scorching as it is warming,as drought-making as it is life-giving.
Jeanette WintersonIt is important not to force a character into something. Fiction writers can be too controlling - usually that's a terror of our own unconscious processes.
Jeanette WintersonTwo things significantly distinguish human beings from the other animals; an interest in the past and the possibility of language. Brought together they make a third: Art. The invisible city not calculated to exist. Beyond the lofty pretensions of the merely ceremonial, long after the dramatic connivings of plitical life, like it or not, it remains. Time past eternally present and undestroyed.
Jeanette Winterson