This was a dream. A very bad, bad dream, brought on by liver poisoning from too many gin and tonics. Here it was, a deal with the devil. At what price my soul? He watched me expectantly and threateningly all at the same time. If I said no, I knew what would happen. Save the glass, waitress, Iโm drinking from the bottle! Happy hour, with my neck on tap. If I said yes, Iโd be agreeing to a partnership with pure evil.
Jeaniene FrostCharles, mate, you fret too much. I'm a grown man, I am, and I can blood my handle." "Handle your blood?" Bones offered dryly. Ian grinned. "Exactly.
Jeaniene FrostBefore we met, I'd fly for hours to clear my head," Bones said, his voice reaching me even over the rush of wind. "It was the closest I came to finding peace, but though several of my mates could fly, I always went alone. I never wanted to share this with anyone until you.
Jeaniene FrostI tried to tell you that it's not Spade in there." "You could have tried harder. I absolutely never needed to know that Ian was pierced down there.
Jeaniene Frost