The soul seeks God by faith, not by the reasonings of the mind and labored efforts, but by the drawings of love; to which inclinations God responds, and instructs the soul, which co-operates actively. God then puts the soul in a passive state where He accomplishes all, causing great progress, first by way of enjoyment, then by privation, and finally by pure love.
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte GuyonIf knowing answers to life's questions is absolutely necessary to you, then forget the journey. You will never make it, for this is a journey of unknowables - of unanswered questions, enigmas, incomprehensibles, and, most of all, things unfair.
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte GuyonGod's designs regarding you, and His methods of bringing about these designs, are infinitely wise.
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte GuyonOur activity should consist in placing ourselves in a state of susceptibility to Divine impressions, and pliability to all the operations of the Eternal Word.
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte GuyonMy soul was not only brought into harmony with itself and with God, but with God's providence. In the exercise of faith and love, I endured and performed whatever came in God's providence, in submission, in thankfulness, and silence.
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon