Anyone who appears to be triggered out of watchfulness and into action by your appearance must be explained. Anyone observing you carefully must be explained. Anyone whose behavior seems to be geared to yours must be explained. If the explanation does not satisfy you, be ready to take appropriate defensive action.
Jeff CooperIf you must use your hands, use them with all the strength you possess... If you choose to strike, by all means strike hard.
Jeff CooperIt's a matter of will. If you know that you can keep your head, and that you must keep your head, you probably will keep your head.
Jeff CooperWe continue to be exasperated by the view, apparently gaining momentum in certain circles, that armed robbery is okay as long as nobody gets hurt! The proper solution to armed robbery is a dead robber, on the scene.
Jeff CooperOwning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.
Jeff CooperThe proliferation of state concealed carry laws has evidently reduced the rate of violent street crime to a considerable extent. When the goblins do not know who is armed and who is not, their professional enthusiasm declines. Now that Britain has made sure (insofar as any law can so insure) that everybody is disarmed, the streets arem given back to the bad kid with the baseball bat. We hope they are satisfied.
Jeff Cooper