A lot of my best stuff is just ad libs on stage and that's one thing that I've gotten back to at the live show.
Jeff DunhamI don't think I am very easy to work for because everything has to be just right or we don't put it out. But at the same time, all the people that work for me have a "no asshole" rule, if you're a jerk you're fired, so it's a great team and a lot of skillful people at the top of the game, anybody from management to the agents to the publicists to the day-to-day website stuff and it's just a great team.
Jeff DunhamWhen a bad experience happens, you just chalk it up to the great fact that you just got five more jokes in the show.
Jeff DunhamStand-up comedy is tough right now. Anybody can come to a concert, tape you, and put you up on the Internet. You either fight it or embrace it.
Jeff DunhamThe kids who come backstage that have cancer or whatever, make them laugh and smile for a little while, what's the problem with that? There isn't any.
Jeff DunhamI had a happy, dramafree youth, growing up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood in Dallas, Texas. The only thing that was slightly unusual compared to most of my friends was that I was an only child... I don't think that's why my parents gave me a dummy, at least they've never copped to it.
Jeff Dunham