When an office-holder facing a multi-count indictment says that he has decided to spend more time with his family, the proper response is a horse-laugh. When an accused politician explains that a charge of corruption is 'really' an attack on his or her race, religion, ethnic background or gender, the odds that something felonious happened jumps.
Jeff GreenfieldDescribing the jury in the OJ Simpson murder trial: These people have served a longer sentence than some people who have committed murder.
Jeff GreenfieldThe niftiest turn of phrase, the most elegant flight of rhetorical fancy, isn't worth beans next to a clear thought clearly expressed.
Jeff GreenfieldTelevision is one of the most fickle businesses that there are, you are in favour one minute and out the next.
Jeff GreenfieldSomething about her eyes or voice has always suggested the hint of a free spirit, trapped in a Peck and Peck cage, dreaming of making rude noises at public gatherings of Republicans.
Jeff GreenfieldIf the court strikes down the Defense of Marriage Act, is that a 'liberal' result enabling gay couples married in states where gay marriage is legal to enjoy the same economic advantages that federal laws now grant to straight couples? Or is it a 'conservative' ruling, limiting the federal government's ability to override state power?
Jeff Greenfield