I didn't know what would take my mind off the sexy Spartan, except for maybe a total lobotomy.
Jennifer EstepWhat was it with people always trying to kill me in the library? Nickamedes so needed to put up warning signs. Danger: Working here could be hazardous to your health.
Jennifer EstepMoonlight slipped in through the lace curtains, slicing everything with its sliver cracks. That's how I felt right now - cold and cracked and hollow and empty.
Jennifer EstepI’m going to untangle her deadly scheme, even if it leaves my love affair hanging by a thread.
Jennifer EstepI will destroy you. No matter how long it takes, no matter what it costs me. I won’t sleep, I won’t eat. I won’t do anything but plot your downfall. I will mow down your men like they’re weeds. I’ll kill so many of them so viciously, so brutally, so horribly that no one will dare to work for you. And sooner or later, I’ll get you too.
Jennifer Estep