My heart lifted, and a matching grin curved my lips. He wanted to see me again. Maybe he really did like me after all. I felt like doing a happy dance, but of course, I was way too cool for that. I'd at least wait until I got back to my hotel room, alone, where no one would see.
Jennifer EstepWhat was it with people always trying to kill me in the library? Nickamedes so needed to put up warning signs. Danger: Working here could be hazardous to your health.
Jennifer EstepYou bruised my ego, you see, and there’s just not enough money in the world to soothe my ego when it gets bruised
Jennifer EstepI might be an assassin, but never let it be said I wasn't as gracious a hostess as the next gal.
Jennifer EstepTwo students severely injured, you yourself covered in blood, a Reaper on the premises, a Fenrir wolf running around loose somewhere, and extensive property damage to the resort. Well?" Nickamedes snapped. "What do you have to say for yourself, Gwendolyn?" I thought for a second, then grinned at him. "I followed your directions exactly. I never set one foot outside the hotel.
Jennifer Estep