Simple. Pared down. Timeless. The ties were never too thick or too thin; the pants were never too flared or too skinny. In my life with Dad, he wore Western apparel because we went riding - jeans, cowboy boots, the turquoise belt buckle. But it was all very simple, and that classic look is very 'Ralph Lauren.'
Jennifer GrantCary Benjamin sleeps dreamily on my stomach as we're both bonding and recuperating. He's phenomenal.
Jennifer GrantI am my father's only child. The world knows a two-dimensional Cary Grant. As charming a star and as remarkable a gentleman as he was, he was still a more thoughtful and loving father.
Jennifer GrantDad was synonymous with his charm and wit and grace, and it was sort of the perfect way to go for him.
Jennifer GrantI'm sure there was some part of his soul was intrinsically happy, but he probably had to go through some permutations to really get that to blossom. I'm sure Dad had his challenges, but I think that joy was there from the beginning and he had to find a way to make his life support that and express that.
Jennifer Grant