movies have mirrored our moods and myths since the century began. They have taken on some of the work of religion.
Jennifer StoneJust as a salesperson is never extreme or original or overdressed, so the TV retailers never do anything to distract their audiences from the real product, the commercial.
Jennifer Stonewriters who go outside the lines when they draw pictures of the world are seldom rewarded for their efforts.
Jennifer Stonea time has come in our history when what is known has little connection with what is done.
Jennifer Stone... romance is unsatisfactory as a religion. It is no use looking for the infinite in the eyes of another.
Jennifer StoneAs the medieval mind blamed God for human suffering, so the modern mind blames 'the system' for the industrial blight and plague of technology.
Jennifer StoneAs art reveals the artist more than the world, so you see yourself and what you are not in the mirror of another culture.
Jennifer StoneThe society that destroys its children is eating its own tail, committing suicide in the most perverse way.
Jennifer StoneGreed stains our culture, soaks our sensibilities and has replaced grace as a sign of our intimacy with the divine.
Jennifer StoneI grow old, I grow old, the center will not fold. In youth I had hardening of the categories and looked for the father and the mother in every lover. Then I cracked. Then I fragmented. Then the old man in my soul found the god in herself, not in some Jungian fairy tale but in the flesh that fell from the bones and the words that came into my mouth when the look went out of their eyes.
Jennifer StoneMost people wish to be consoled, confirmed. They want their prejudices reinforced and their structured belief systems validated. After all, it hurts to think, and it's absolute agony to think twice.
Jennifer StoneYou can't make poetry out of thought; poetry is passion. Linear thought must be seduced by wild mind, by the fires of ecstasy.
Jennifer StoneIn an age in which greed and lust stalk the land like some Biblical plague, it is easy to view sex as just one more thing to be had. It is the mythos of moderns.
Jennifer StoneTrauma reflected upon in tranquility can produce morally stunning insights - literary light! It can also produce maudlin rubbish.
Jennifer StoneWhen I went to school, they told me literature was a rope I must use to climb out of the dark well of unknowing. Writers are the knots on the rope.
Jennifer StoneGrowing old is not a thing to watch. It cannot be forgiven in others. Alone, it can be borne. Even indulged.
Jennifer StonePerhaps society should give actors the same sort of protection it gives to those who follow a religious life. Actor/priest was originally the same job. The theater is left wing magic and theology is right wing magic.
Jennifer StoneDuring the summertime, I really like to dress like a gypsy. I love that whole lifestyle and the whole mixing of fabrics and flowy materials.
Jennifer StoneTV taste is an aftertaste. Whatever gets on the tube is always a foregone conclusion, a fait accompli. That is, any new ideas or social changes have already been fought for in the real world of the streets, or in the bedroom or even the law courts long before they reach the screen. By the time you see it on prime time, it's usually all over and done with, whatever it was. Television by definition is not avant garde. It is often reactionary and always sentimental.
Jennifer StoneHuman comedy is more profound than tragedy. In tragedy we die and it is very sad. In comedy we avoid death, and it is even sadder.
Jennifer StoneIt is the psychic depression of decadence which has come to this place and time. It is what happens to people who ignore their artists and deny their children. It is a terminal case of involutional melancholia which comes from within and cannot be cured by T.V. or psychotherapy or anything but a creative life, which is hard to come by in a country where it doesn't pay to do anything for yourself.
Jennifer Stone