It's as if the fasion designers decided that once a woman hit a certain weight, she'd have no need for business suits, for skirts and blazers, for anything except glorified sweatsuits, and they tried to apologize for dressing us like overaged Teletubbies by silk-screening daisies on the tops.
Jennifer WeinerI decided.. that I could go on being scared forever, that I could keep walking, that I could carry my rage around, hot and heavy in my chest forever. But maybe there was another way. You have everything you need, my mother had told me. And maybe all I needed was the courage to admit that what I needed was someone to lean on.
Jennifer WeinerI also believe that if you're really a writer, you'll write, and that nobody could stop you.
Jennifer WeinerRegular women carry pictures of their babies, their husbands, their summer houses. Fat ladies carry pictures of themselves at their skinniest.
Jennifer WeinerWhenever people with money have power over people with less money, you have the potential for exploitation.
Jennifer Weiner