There's nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say.
Jennifer WeinerCharacter is character and voice is voice, which translates nicely from writing novels to writing TV. But the process is different. You have a writer's room, people pitch you jokes and you collaborate.
Jennifer WeinerIf a writer writes poems and short stories and novels, but nobody ever reads them, is she really a writer?
Jennifer WeinerI wonder if novels work for women because they give us a safe place to talk about our ish.
Jennifer WeinerDo I want to spend my diminished working hours writing or answering email? Now I have somebody read through them. If someone has something really important to tell me I write back. Otherwise they get the auto reply.
Jennifer WeinerOkay, I thought. Here you are. You are here. And you move forward because that's the way it works; that's the only place u can go. You keep going until it stops hurting, or until you find new things to hurt you worse, I guess. And that is the human condition, all of us lurching along in our own private miseries, because that's the way it is. Because, I guess, God didn't give us any choice. You grow up, I remembered Abigail telling me. You learn.
Jennifer Weiner