When you sailors see the haven before you, though you were mightily troubled before you could see any land, yet when you come near the shore and can see a certain land-mark, that contents you greatly. A godly man, in the midst of the waves and storms that he meets with, can see the glory of heaven before him and so contents himself. One drop of the sweetness of heaven is enough to take away all the sourness and bitterness of all the afflictions in the world.
Jeremiah BurroughsWhen God has given you your heart's desire, what have you done with your heart's desire?
Jeremiah BurroughsThus, a godly man wonders at his cross that it is not more, a wicked man wonders his cross is so much.
Jeremiah BurroughsFaith has this excellency, that it is able to bring life out of death, light out of darkness. It has a kind of creating virtue.
Jeremiah Burroughs