United we stand, divided we fall is one of the oldest and truest slogans of the Labour movement.
Jeremy CorbynI was democratically elected leader of our party for a new kind of politics by 60% of Labour members and supporters, and I will not betray them by resigning. Today's vote on Brexit has no constitutional legitimacy.
Jeremy CorbynOf course I want to lead [Tory] party. Of course I want to lead this party in order to put forward an alternative and lead this party to win the election as soon as it comes.
Jeremy CorbynI'm carrying on. I'm making the case for unity, I'm making the case of what Labour can offer to Britain, of decent housing for people, of good secure jobs for people, of trade with Europe and of course with other parts of the world. Because if we don't get the trade issue right we've got a real problem in this country.
Jeremy Corbyn