Aquinas was once asked, with what compendium a man might become learned? He answered "By reading of one book.
Jeremy TaylorTo secure a contented spirit, measure your desires by your fortune, and not your fortune by your desires.
Jeremy TaylorMeditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit; and our wandering thoughts in prayer are but the neglects of meditation and recessions from that duty; according as we neglect meditation, so are our prayers imperfect, - meditation being the soul of prayer and the intention of our spirit.
Jeremy TaylorSo long as idleness is quite shut out from our lives, all the sins of wantonness, softness, and effeminacy are prevented; and there is but little room for temptation.
Jeremy TaylorChildren, honor your parents in your hearts; bear them not only awe and respect, but kindness and affection: love their persons, fear to do anything that may justly provoke them; highly esteem them as the instruments under God of your being: for Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father.
Jeremy Taylor