Avoid idleness, and fill up all the spaces of thy time with severe and useful employment; for lust easily creeps in at those emptinesses where the soul is unemployed and the body is at ease; for no easy, healthful, idle person was ever chaste if he could be tempted; but of all employments, bodily labor is the most useful, and of the greatest benefit for driving away the Devil.
Jeremy TaylorIf anger proceeds from a great cause, it turns to fury; if from a small cause, it is peevishness; and so is always either terrible or ridiculous.
Jeremy Taylorsince God has appointed one remedy for all the evils in the world and that is a contented spirit.
Jeremy TaylorFaith is the root of all blessings. Believe, and you shall be saved; believe, and you must needs be satisfied; believe, and you cannot but be comforted and happy
Jeremy TaylorIt is a little learning, and but a little, which makes men conclude hastily. Experience and humility teach modesty and fear.
Jeremy TaylorHe that loves not his wife and children feeds a lioness at home, and broods a nest of sorrows.
Jeremy TaylorMarriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety, than the single life; it hath more care, but less danger, it is more merry, and more sad; it is fuller of sorrows, and fuller of joys; it lies under more burdens, but it is supported by all the strengths of love and charity, and those burdens are delightful.
Jeremy Taylor