What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience? What kind of a person and what kind of a society will we have twenty years hence if life can be taken so casually? It is that question, the question of our attitude, our value system, and our mind-set with regard to the nature and worth of life itself that is the central question confronting mankind. Failure to answer that question affirmatively may leave us with a hell right here on earth.
Jesse JacksonWhy would anyone be able to make $21 million not showing up for work for a single day? That is vulgar capitalism. That is not good for the nation.
Jesse JacksonIf the American people in a matter of months can love the people of Kuwait, whom they have not seen, they can love the people of our nation's capital just as well.
Jesse Jackson